Saturday, August 22, 2009

Week 34

August 22. It's been a while since my last post. The reason was simple not much has happened until the last couple of weeks when my tendonitis disappeared. I consider myself completely recovered, the only difference from before the accident is that I can't reach between my shoulder blades with my left arm, but it's getting there. I haven't been back to the ice arena (although summer skating is really nice when it's hot outside). The psychological block is not the main issue, rather that I don't feel the need for that kind of exercise since the rest of my training is going so well.

Strength-wise, I'm exercising my right arm as well to keep the balance, and I've never been a better swimmer than now (thanks to great colleague who's also a swimming coach; I was at quite a low level even before the accident). The combination of breast stroke and crawl is quite beneficial.

The intense cross training has one incredible benefit of which I knew before, but never experiences since I did mostly jogging and biking: It's possible to exercise every day,weight exercises at home along with swimming 2-3 times a week, jogging 2 times a week, and some biking. I have no knee problems whatsoever from running, something I used to have.