April 20. I just rediscovered these drawings by Leonardo, made some 500 years ago. They make sense now in explaining the vast number of exercises necessary for recovery.
My achilles heal, low to high diagonal exercise, is still impossible to perform on a cable column, but it's ok, but hard, with a four-pound weight. Strange.
But I tried to swim today, and it went quite well for some-50 meters. A few underutilized muscles had to work and there was a nice stretch. The hot tub afterwards was sensational.
I JUST discovered your blog after a hideous night and extreme depression. Broke humerus on March 20, - unfortunately the left arm which already has a shoulder replacement, thus a shaft running through the humerus and attached to the shoulder joint (because the humerus was too weak to have the joint attached to it). Replacement occurred in 2005. I'm very grateful for your blog, it is enormously helpful although the "week 17" was not the length of time I wanted to hear as I've just ended week 5!!! Have you heard from anyone who has broken the humerus who has a shaft in the humerus plus shoulder replacement? Also, my break is a diagonal break which, to me, looks less serious than yours. I identify with your pain and lack of sleep. I'm very computer literate in word programs, etc., but don't do much blogging but hope you can respond to these comments. YOU ARE DOING A GREAT SERVICE by documenting your progress, treatment, etc., etc., - i found all very helpful. Thank you. I have several accounts but rarely use and usually forget password. My preferred mode of commuication is email and wonder if you'd be willing to consider such a mode. I'm a retired professor, safe, and people with broken humerus bones certainly won't be doing any stalking. I'm female and 70. Was born with a very rare condition called Ehlers Danlos syndrome which always concerns me when I have issues with my bones and joints. Thank you!!!
Thanks for your kind words!
Just provide your email address and I'll respond privately.
Unfortunately, I don't know anything about shoulder replacements and haven't come across any such cases on the internet.
On a more positive note, I was fully functional for daily life many weeks ago. My swimming is sub par, but getting better and so is violin playing, so life goes on.
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